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Capturing the Heart of God


James is committed to fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, letting all of His disciples know, 

"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" NKJV Matt. 28:19

As a disciple of Jesus, James has met with God, he has walked with God for years and learns from God day in and day out. Moments With James are video segments purposed to provoke people to go and seek out the truth about God in His Word. God is Real and He is Tangible if you would just press in.


JC Ministries is seeking to make a tremendous impact thanks to the help of donors and individuals who now give continually. The core of our work lies in the growing passion and dedication James has for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

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Moments with James

Moments with James are short video segments that are designed to enlighten and give a potent and fresh perspective of the Word of God. A love for the Word of God is what MWJ is solely founded upon. 

The short video segments are meant to ignite and reignite a passion for God and His Word. Renewing hope and faith in people; to encourage each and every individual to study the Bible for themselves. 

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on Youtube and Be Encouraged!

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Meaningful Work for You to Contribute To!

JC Ministries is committed to helping people in need in a general sense.

However, the majority of the focus of the ministry has been in Freetown, Sierra Leone in West Africa. 

Freetown, the capitol of Sierra Leone is a very impoverished city. There are countless orphans who have been either discarded due to extreme hardships of parents. Some are even discarded at birth. A small number of these children have been salvaged, taken off the street, housed and are currently being nourished and taken care of. JC Ministries is responsible for about 90% of these boys welfare.

We were able to house them for a full year. We sponsor them monthly, but most of the time on a daily basis (as needed). We provide food, shelter, schooling (not all go due to school fees there), books, clothes for them to wear, etc.

James 1:27 NKJV

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.

*Your support will help us move mountains for these boys & girls who currently have no say in their own lives today

*Note. These are only the male children who have been recovered where they share a living space and activities to occupy them. 

JC Ministries wants to do so much more with the female orphans that are also found and forgotten. 

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We believe that your tithes belong to your local church. Your source of "spiritual food" and where you are given the Word of God should be where you tithe.

Yet in this age of information and technology we also understand that many are sustained and edified spiritually online. 

If MWJ has been this for you, then we encourage you to get into the habit of giving regularly to support the work we are doing!



2Co 9:7 NKJV

So let each one [give] as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.

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